“Our home tells a story of revival and celebrates creative reinvention.”

Asia Dublin & Yuri kats

We are Asia and Yura, a couple of passionate artists, embarking on the second chapter of our lives together. Our story is intertwined with this house—a shared dream that has become a tangible work of art, reflecting our vision of rebirth and the preservation of history.

the beauty of second chances

Our journey began with a simple idea: to create a home for our blended family, comprising six beautiful children from our previous marriages. We chose to approach this project with unyielding dedication, making it a five-year labor of love. We affectionately referred to our time at the construction site as our “honeymoon,” for it was a period of growth and transformation that brought us closer together.

Throughout this incredible journey, we discovered that our pursuit of savings led us down an unexpected path of creativity. We became masters of finding unconventional solutions, seeking out hidden gems, and breathing new life into forgotten relics.

It all began with windows and doors—costly elements we managed to acquire from ancient Templar and Arab houses in Jaffa and Haifa. These exquisite wooden windows, once destined for oblivion, now grace our home, fusing the allure of the past with the freshness of the present. We owe a debt of gratitude to Tony Ashkar, a remarkable antique collector from Haifa, whose expertise and passion for preserving history guided us on this remarkable journey. Tony’s treasure trove of artifacts provided us with a wealth of materials that form the very essence of our home—windows, concrete floors from the Bahá’í Temple in Haifa, and more. 

Tony's Templar windows
Work in progress...
A renovated window and staircase

Every item within these walls has a story to tell, a tale of revival and reinvention. We scoured the streets, rescuing discarded treasures, and breathed new life into each one. Chairs and armchairs found on forgotten curbs now fill our space with comfort and charm. Lamps fashioned from old fencing helmets and industrial spotlights illuminate our world, while cabinets and tables repurposed from antique doors stand as testaments to our commitment to sustainable design.

We embrace the beauty of imperfection, channeling our creativity through simple acts of repair, renovation, sanding, painting, and gluing. We’ve become masters of transformation, crafting hybrid pieces where two objects, on their own, might have lost their purpose, but together, find new life and functionality.

Our philosophy revolves around a holistic concept—one that champions resourcefulness, environmental sustainability, and a deep respect for nature.

Welcome to our home

 We believe our home offers more than just a place to rest—it embodies a distinct approach to design and, indeed, to life itself. We have embraced a conscious mindset that reveres the past, cherishes the present, and safeguards the future of our precious planet.

Join us in celebrating the art of preservation, the beauty of second chances, and the harmonious coexistence of history and modernity. We invite you to embark on a journey of discovery, one that will ignite your imagination and stir your soul.

Welcome to our home—a living testament to our passion for sustainable design, artistic reinvention, and the boundless possibilities that await when we dare to dream.


With love and gratitude,

Asia and Yura